Happy New Year!
I am thrilled to write my first post on this first day of 2021.
Last summer I had the opportunity to attend Rodney Friend’s FIVA, Friend’s International Violin Academy. It was an attempt to jump start my violin playing after being away for so long.
I had tried to get going a year earlier by learning and performing a new piece at a festival in Illinois, but I wasn’t quite ready and it showed. That is a story for another time though.
FIVA was unique and incredible. Surrounded by excellent musicians and professors spanning the globe, I was inspired and yet I also felt frustrated. Inspired because I was gaining knowledge and motivation from international teachers and performers at the highest level; frustrated because my own playing was nowhere near where I wanted it to be and I felt like a weak link! This was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will be ever grateful to Rodney for accepting me.
Afterwards, keenly aware of my long absence from the violin, I felt I was at a crossroads. I could silently step back and no one would know the difference, or I could push forward, trying to play again professionally, to get it all back and more.
I debated this for a few weeks.
It was tempting to simply step back, but I knew deep inside that I would not be truly happy if I stopped playing. I knew I would regret it. I needed to play, to share my story, my thoughts, and even my love, through music.
My goal for the new year is to not give up. This website is a demonstration of that.
I wish you all a happy new year filled with continued progress toward your own hopes and dreams.